What To Expect

Warm Welcome

When you arrive, our Guest Experience Team will be waiting to greet you with a friendly smile and a warm cup of coffee. This team is here for you, so feel free to ask them any questions during your visit.

Bible Classes

Bible classes for all ages begin at 10:00 am each Sunday.  For adults, classes range from roundtable discussions to theological presentations. Click the button below for this quarter's schedule.

Kingdom Kids

Designed for birth - 5th grade, our Kingdom Kids program is packed with opportunities for your kids to grow their faith!  Check-in is required for all kids and our volunteers undergo a background check.  Learn more below.


Students in grades 6-12 are encouraged to join in with our Hardin Valley Youth for Bible Classes and devotionals each week. HVY has a dynamic schedule, so be sure to check their calendar and  more below. 

Worship With Us

We gather together each week to offer our heart's devotion to God and lift up one another.  Our intention is to create an atmosphere where all people will be inspired, welcomed, and transformed. Our weekly services are a time to serve and be served.  We encourage members to use their spiritual gifts to lead a portion of the service, manage service production with our Media Team, or sing on the Worship Team.  The only difference between the two worship services is the 8:45 am service is live-streamed and has an ASL interpreter.  

The Sunday Morning Experience


Singing is an integral part of our services each week. We sing acapella, meaning we sing without any instruments. We're led  by our Worship Leader and Worship Team in 4-part harmony. Acapella singing is a valuable part of our heritage and is one way we try to emulate the church we read about in the Bible. 


Our Preaching Minister or a guest speaker will present a message based on Scripture each week. These messages are meant to inspire and bring about transformation in our lives. Before this part of our service, kids ages 3-6 are dismissed to PALS (Praise And Learning Service) for an age-appropriate lesson of their own. 


The purpose of Communion (also called The Lord's Supper or Eucharist) is for Christians to remember Jesus’ life, sacrifice, and our salvation in Him. We set aside a specific time every Sunday to focus on this immeasurable gift.


Prayers, both individual and communal, are led throughout our service each week. We cherish this time when we can call on God to move in our lives and give him praise for all that he has done! We invite you to recall, reflect, and respond with us in prayer. 


Towards the middle of our service, there will be an opportunity to give. We take this time to collectively assess our priorities, develop hearts that look to meet the needs of others,  and pray for guidance as we seek to partner with God in His work of restoration.


We believe our time together each week is a perfect opportunity to take care of each other. As our service ends, our Shepherds will be available to meet with anyone who has a need to talk, pray, or even start their walk with Jesus.

Connect With Us

When you arrive, you will find Guest Parking spots to the left, near the Worship Center entrance.  Once inside you will be greeted by our friendly Guest Experience Team. They are available to help you with whatever you need! During service, you may notice stickers on the backs of the chairs. This sticker is actually an NFC tag for you to use to connect with us! Simply place your phone over the icon and tap the link that pops up. From there, you will be able to access a number of helpful tools as you worship with us, including our Connection Card. Filling out the Connection Card is a great first step in getting to know Hardin Valley.  If you prefer a paper copy, printed Connection Cards are available at the Welcome Desk.  Bring a completed printed or digital card to any Guest Experience Team Member in exchange for a small gift!

Accessible, On Campus and Online

We have a number of accessibility options for those with disabilities or special needs. 
Handicap Friendly
Handicap parking is available near our Worship Center. All sidewalks and entrances are also handicap friendly. If you need assistance on our campus, please let one of our volunteers know and they will be happy to help!
Sensory Sensitive Service
We offer a sensory-sensitive service option every Sunday morning during worship for families who need an alternative environment from the auditorium. This service is offered in our Green Room, off the the Rotunda.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
We offer ASL interpretation at our 8:45 am service, both in-person and online. We also utilize ListenEverywhere technology for those who have hearing assistive devices. 
Buddy Ministry
Our Buddy Ministry provides one-on-one assistance for our precious friends with special needs.  We consider the needs of each child and work to provide individualized care ranging from sensory tools to a separate, secure class as needed.  All children are a beautiful gift from God and welcome in the Kingdom Kids ministry.

You belong here, regardless of...





Let Us Know You Are Coming

Worship: Sunday @ 8:45 am & 11:00 am
Bible Class: Sunday @ 10:00 am
Bible Study: Wednesday @ 6:45 pm